Add your channel

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Add your channel

To add your channel, you must either PM Chew or send a PR with the following info.

1) The Channel Name.

2) A channel description.

3) Any specific rules.

4) Channel Staff (and their roles)

A staff will join on official network business if they aren’t already there. They will leave once they get the rest of the information needed.

Example Skeleton Format

If you decide to PR yourself, follow this format. Replace []s with your input. Otherwise, add no modifications.

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# #[channel name]

Status: User Owned Channels

Founder: [your nickname]

<!-- Add your channel info here -->

## Description

[Add a description, if none, say "No description"]

## Rules

[Chanel specific rules?]

## Channel Staff

- [you] (Owner)
- [other staff] [their rank]

## Channel Bots

- [bot name]

Modifying your channel info

This is really simple to do! Just modify the file in your fork, send a PR, and after review will be modified!

If you want to delete a channel, just delete the file and PR that change.